Graničnici prometnih traka, barijere parkirališnih mjesta s crvenim reflektirajućim trakama, dimenzija 1170x150x50 mm
Graničnici prometnih traka, barijere parkirališnih mjesta s crvenim reflektirajućim trakama, dimenzija 1170x150x50 mm
Odvajanje prometnih traka na javnim prostorima kojima ćete lako odvojiti pješačke i biciklističke staze od glavnih cesta, definirati parkirna mjesta i dr.
U poslovnim prostorima i pogonima – odvojite različite prometne trake koje vam omogućuju sigurno i učinkovito radno mjesto. To je sjajan način da označite granice do kojih mogu dosegnuti viličari i druga vozila u pogonima, osiguravajući zaposlenicima sigurnost u pješačkim zonama.
Graničnici se također koriste kao barijere za zaustavljanja kotača, čime ćete olakšati parkiranje automobila uz rubnike, a bez uzrokovanja štete koja bi bila učinjena s betonskim rubnikom. To je učinkovita i jednostavna alternativa betonskim rubovima.
Obilježavanje i isticanje parkirnih mjesta – označite parkirališna mjesta na parkiralištima uz maksimalnu površinu parkirališta.
Isporučujemo ih u dvije vrlo vidljive boje, žutoj ili bijeloj. Svaka od njih dolazi s bočnim reflektirajućim trakama, koje vam omogućavaju lakšu vidljivost danju ili noću. Jednostavno ih je instalirati jednostavnim pričvršćivanjem razdjelnika prometne trake na tlo te su graničnici spremni za korištenje u trenu.
- boje: žuta ili bijela
- dimenzije: 1170x150x50 mm
- reflektirajući dodaci: crvene reflektirajuće trake
ovi graničnici su idealni za označavanje parkiranih mjesta na šljunkovitom ili asfaltnom terenu, za označavanje rubova cesta i puteva te zona niskog prometa i gradilišta
Reflektirajuće trake osiguravaju najbolju vidljivost danju i noću
Instalacija: graničnik se fiksira za podlogu vijcima (3 rupe za vijke).
Napomena: ovaj proizvod se isporučuje bez seta za instalaciju i pričvršćivanje (vijci). Set za instalaciju možete naručiti OVDJE!
*Količinski popust od 20% na kupljenih 50 komada i više je uračunat u cijenu. Za manje količine vrijede druge cijene.
Generalni zastupnik za Republiku Hrvatsku!
Leitschwelle / Parkstop
Leitschwelle / Parkstop
Leitschwelle – lang aus Polypropylen (PP) in gelb mit roten und weißen refelktierenden Katzenaugen. Ohne Befestigungsmaterial.
Farbe: gelb oder weiß
Maß: L 1170 x B 150 x H 50 mm
- Material: Polypropylen
- Maße (LxBxH): 1170 x 150 x 50 mm
- ohne Befestigungsmaterial
- mit Reflexstreifen
Achtung: Befestigungsset (VE 3 Stück) nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten – bitte separat bestellen HIER!
Handelsvertreter für Kroatien!
Traffic Lane Separators
Traffic Lane Separators
The Traffic Lane Separator is a highly visible, toughed kerb designed to designate different lanes of traffic. Reflective panels on the side of the kerbing make it extra visible at night.
Ideal for separating different lanes of traffic, such as pedestrian, cyclists and automobiles.
Great for outlining parking spaces to ensure cars and trucks park properly
Can act as a wheel stop to stop cars crossing over parking lines, giving you maximum use of parking space and protecting people and property
Comes with installation fixings
The Traffic Lane Separators is simple to install by simple bolting them to the ground, giving you instant benefits.
Traffic Lane Separator allows you separate different lanes of traffic giving you a safe and efficient work place. It’s a great way to outline where forklifts and other vehicles are in operation, letting other employees to be extra safe in the area and to stay within the pedestrian boundaries as much as possible. It’s also an excellent device for separating traffic lanes in public areas, allowing you to designate pedestrian and cycle lanes from main roads.
The Traffic Lane Separators have also been used as a form of wheel stop, similar to our Park It Rubber Wheel Stops that allow you to park cars up against the kerb without causing the damage which would be done with a concrete kerb. It’s an effective and easy to install alternative to concrete kerbing. Car park spaces can also be outlined, ensuring people park inside the designated area of the parking space. This will let you get maximum use from your car park.
The Traffic Lane Separator is commonly used in:
- Public areas with multiple forms of traffic
- Busy car parks that need every space to be utilised, minimising the risk of bad parking.
- Factories and warehouse where pedestrians and vehicles share mutual space.
The Traffic Lane Separator comes in two highly visible colours, Yellow or White. Each type comes with reflectors on the sides, allowing you to see the kerbing in bad light or at night. They’re simple to install by simple bolting the Traffic Lane Separator to the ground for instant use.
Note: This product is delivered without a set for mounting. Mounting set order HERE!
Official Sales Representative for Croatia.
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