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Polumaske 3M 6200 Bayonet Easy Connect, zaštita dišnih organa

(1 recenzija korisnika)

Polumaske 3M 6200 Bayonet Easy Connect, zaštita dišnih organa

Polumaske 3M 6200 Bayonet Easy Connect, zaštita dišnih organa

3M polu-maska 6200 pruža ekonomičnu zaštitu. Jednostavno se održavaju i lagane su, što omogućava lakše nošenje. Na masku se filteri priključuju 3M Bayonet sistemom konekcije koji omogućava jednostavno namještanje filtera. Lagani, elastični materijal za postizanje udobnosti u dugim periodima rada. Ultra mala težina od svega 82 g.

Lako se nose uz zaštitne naočale.

Standard EN 140.
Dostupne veličine: S, M, L


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3M™ Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6200/07025

3M™ Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6200/07025


  • This series combines comfort and convenience
  • Comfortable soft, lightweight facepiece with easy-to-adjust head straps
  • NIOSH approved for negative pressure air purifying and supplied air dual airline applications
  • Can be disassembled, cleaned and reused
  • Replaceable cartridges and filters allow reuse of facepiece for cost savings

This half facepiece reusable respirator offers reliable and convenient respiratory protection and is suitable for many situations, helping provide protection against particulates and a wide variety of gases and vapors according to NIOSH approvals.

The 3M™ Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6000 Series helps provide protection against particulates and a wide variety of gases and vapors when used with approved cartridges and filters. When properly fitted and used with approved 3M™ cartridges and filters, this respirator helps provide protection at concentrations up to 10 times the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL). The swept back design of the cartridges helps improve balance and visibility. Remarkably comfortable, soft, lightweight facepiece has easy-to-adjust head straps allow for a customized fit to the user. Replaceable cartridges help reduce waste and costs over time.

NIOSH, a Federal government regulatory agency, has tested and approved the 6000 Series Half Facepiece with 3M cartridges, filters or supplied air systems. The 6000 Series is NIOSH approved for negative-pressure air purifying and positive-pressure dual airline applications. This half facepiece respirator may be used with 3M™ Cartridge 6000 Series; 3M™ Filters 2000, 2200, 7000 or 5000 Series; or 3M™ Dual Airline Systems against a variety of gases, vapors, and particulate hazards according to NIOSH approvals.

Breathing hazardous particles, gases and vapors can be harmful to your health. The 3M™ Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6000 Series helps reduce exposure to many contaminants.

Assigned Protection Factor
Case Quantity
Compatible With
Line Compressed Air System SA Series
Connection Type
Exhalation Valve
Facepiece Type
Half Facepiece Reusable
Dual Airline supplied air compatible
Harness Type
4 point
National Stock Number
Primary Material
Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE)
Product Series
Product Type
Half Facepiece
Recommended Industry
Construction, Design & Construction, General Manufacturing, Heavy Infrastructure, Industrial Maintenance, Marine, Mining, Oil & Gas, Transportation
TDS Required

Dostava Hrvatska, Zagreb, Istra, Dalmacija, Zagorje, Lika, Gorski Kotar, Kvarner, Rijeka, Osijek, Split, Zadar, Šibenik. Najjeftinije. Akcija!

Težina 0,5 kg

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1 recenzija za Polumaske 3M 6200 Bayonet Easy Connect, zaštita dišnih organa

  1. Jerko Mateša

    Eto, kod vas uvijek ima na lageru i zato uzimamo od vas, pa da ocjenim, obzirom da smo zadovoljni s maskama i s vašim uslugama.
    LP, Jerko

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